Download a List to a CSV File

On the List Details page, the List Management Options drop-down list now includes a Download As CSV option.  This option provides users the ability to download a list to a CSV file.   The List ID will be used as the default file name for the CSV file, but you will have the opportunity to change the file name when saving the file.  The CSV list sort order will default to the same sort order as displayed in OSA.  This sort order is determined by the selections made under List Items View Sort Options on the Personal Information page (click My Info).


Download a List to a CSV File

  1. Open the List Details page for the list you want to download to a CSV file.

  2. From the List Management Options drop-down list, select the Download As CSV option and click the rotating red arrow button.

  3. A dialog displays options to Open or Save the file.  

Once the file is downloaded, the CSV file can be opened in a text editor, such as Windows Notepad, or with programs such as Microsoft Excel.