Order Redirect

Users assigned the Electronic Ordering security permission Configure Order Redirect, will see the Order Redirect link in the Electronic Ordering section of the Administration (Admin) menu.  The purpose of the redirect function is to eliminate the manual review of orders for cancelled items and move them into a new list.  The new list can then be reviewed and sent to an alternate vendor.


The Order Redirect process runs every night against the day's acknowledgements and selects items to be redirected.



Set Up Order Redirect

  1. Log in to OSA with a Username granted permissions as noted above.

  2. Click the Order Redirect link in the Electronic Ordering section of the Administration screen.  The Order Redirect Configuration screen displays.



  1. Select the check box for each type of electronic acknowledgment you want to redirect orders to another list.

  2. Select the owner of that list from the Select Owner of Re-Order lists drop-down.

  3. Click the Save button to save the Order Redirect configuration.

  4. You are advised the configuration is saved.  Click OK.



Use Order Redirect

  1. The user configured in the Select Owner of Re-Order lists drop-down should log in to OSA.

  2. Click My Lists on the navigation toolbar at the top of the OSA screen.

  3. Check for lists named in the format RE-ORDER MM/DD/YYYY.

  4. Manage the list(s) according to your library procedures.