Fund Management Tools

The Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) Fund Management feature provides options to view the effects of an order on the selected funds, and to display visual warnings when fund encumbrances exceed a specified threshold.  Allocations to the funds can be Increased or Decreased as well.  The administrator can set permissions to allow users to view fund effects for any library, or for only their own library.



View Fund Effects

  1. Click the My Lists link.

  2. The lists owned by the logged in user display.

  3. From the drop-down list to the far right, select View Fund Effects.



  1. Click the rotating red arrow button to the right of the drop-down list and the Fund Effects Scenario screen displays.



       If problems are encountered with the amounts, notices display, as shown in the example below.




Enable or Disable the Fund Effects Warnings

  1. Click the Admin link, and the Administration menu will display.

  2. Under Acquisitions Setup click Funds and the Fund Management dialog will display as shown in the example below.


  1. From the drop-down list, select the Fund you wish to update, and click Update Fund.

  2. The Fund Maintenance screen will appear, with the current settings displayed.



  1. Click the Save Fund button to save these changes. A message advises the fund has been updated.  Click OK.




Change Fund Allocation

  1. Click the Admin link, and then Fund Management.

  2. The Fund Management dialog displays.

  3. From the drop-down list, select the Fund you want to work with, and click Update Fund.

  4. The Fund Maintenance screen displays with the current settings.



  1. Click the Save Fund button to save the fund information.  A message advises the fund is changed.  Click OK.


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