Delete a List

In Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA), individual selection lists with a status of Constructing can be deleted.  If the list has been submitted for review, the reviewer can use the Recall option to return the list to the owner with a status of Constructing.  


Archive vs. Delete: If the list status is Released, you can use the Archive option available on the drop-down to the right of the list display.


  1. You must be logged in as a user with adequate permissions to delete lists.

  2. Locate the desired list by clicking the My Lists link, or by using the List Search option.



  1. With the list displayed on a list of lists, click the drop-down arrow on the far-right side of the list display and select Delete, as shown above.

  2. Click the rotating arrow button.  You are asked to confirm you want to delete the list.  Click OK.

  3. The screen refreshes and the deleted list no longer displays.


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