List Status Definitions

Depending upon the most recent action taken to an individual list, the Status field will change to reflect that action.  Drop-down list options are displayed based on the status of the list, and the level of, and the permissions granted to the logged on user.






The creator can edit the list, or add items to the list, until ready to submit the list for review.  At that point the status becomes Awaiting Review Level X.


Awaiting Review

Level X

The person responsible for list review for that level must logon and place the list in Review, or Recall* the list back to the creator.

* A Recalled list will display a status of Construction.  The creator can edit and resubmit the list for review.


In Review

Level X


The person responsible for list review for that level must logon and Approve the list, or Reject* the list back to the creator.

* A Rejected list will display a status of Declined and cannot be re-submitted.



The list has been queued for transmission to the vendor(s).




The list has been Rejected by a reviewer.  To re-submit the list for Approval use the Reactivate option on the List Management Options drop-down list at the far right of the list display.




The MARC Records for the items on the list have been successfully downloaded.  The Status for all items and titles were changed from "H" to "D" and the list became "Read Only" (excluding Notes).


Current Status (Archived)

The list has been Archived and cannot be re-submitted unless Un-Archived.