Delete a MARC Source

User created MARC Sources can be deleted.  The default MARC Sources cannot be edited or deleted.  There is no way to access the default MARC Sources for editing or deletion.


Delete a MARC Source

  1. Log in to OSA with a Username granted adequate permissions to configure MARC Sources Profiles.  

  2. Click the Admin link and the Administration menu displays.

  3. Under MARC Download Preferences (or Integration/MARC Preferences for integrated institutions), click Preferred MARC Record Sources and the MARC Sources Profile Management dialog displays.



  1. With any profile displayed in the drop-down list, click the Update Profile button.  The MARC Source Profile Configuration dialog displays the available sources.

  2. Select the Source name you want to delete from either the Current Selected Hierarchy list, or the Other Available Sources list, as shown in the example below.



  1. Click the Edit Selected Source button, as shown in the example above.  The settings for that Source display.



  1. Ensure this is the Source record you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.

  2. A message asks you to confirm you want to delete this Source.  Click OK.  The MARC Source Profile Management dialog displays.

  3. Repeat steps 1 through 9 as necessary.