Search Results

The results of an Online Selection & Acquisitions search are used to locate an item to be placed in consideration for purchase, and to place those items on a list for later review.


Note: If your library has integrated OSA with LibrarySolution, local holdings and circulation statistics information is displayed in the results set.  If a record links to a MARC record in Libary•Solution that contains multiple ISBNs a "light bulb" symbol displays to the left of Local Holdings (as shown below) to indicate that a ToolTip message displays if you place the mouse pointer over the light bulb symbol.





Title Information Symbols: When any of these symbols are displayed below the title information, click the appropriate symbol to view Author Notes, Character Information, Reviews, Chapter Excerpts, Title Summary, or Table of Contents.  See Title Information Symbols for details about the information each icon provides when clicked.



    Author Notes



View Search Results


  1. If multiple databases were searched, the results display as shown below.  If a single database was searched, proceed to Step 3.

  2. Click the desired link in the Databases Searched column to display the matching items found in that database.   



  1. Scroll through the search results until you locate an item you want to add to the list for consideration.

  1. If an item of interest is located you can:


  1. From the Add checked items to list drop-down at the top or bottom of the page, select the list to add the checked items to, and then click the Add button.

  2. Continue adding items, or click a link on the List Management toolbar to continue with other OSA functions.


Return to: List Management Overview  See also: Duplicate Order Items, Title Information Symbols, and Add Items to a List (from a search result or using original entry)