Receive Process

Important! This process is only for libraries with separate Invoicing and Receiving.

See also: Invoicing and Receiving Overview and Receiving Overview


Separate Receiving and Invoicing allows for division of the two processes between different staff members.  The Receiving permissions group is part of the User set-up.  When the Receive permission is selected, the user will be able to see the Receiving section of the Administration menu.


In the Library System section of the Administration menu, the library will be able to indicate a Combined or Separate Invoicing and Receiving process.  This setting will control how the processes will function.



There will be two additional configurations available for Receiving and Invoicing.  The configurations allow the user to configure the default search type and the number of items per page.  To change these settings:


  1. An authorized receiver with permissions to receive in OSA will click the Receive option on the Administration menu.

  2. OSA will display a search box where the user will enter the Packing Slip Number from the paper packing slip, and selects the corresponding vendor from the pull down list.

  3. The user will click the rotating red arrow button to the right, and the system will search for a currently existing Packing Slip.



Marking Items as Received


After the authorized user has entered the Packing Slip information into the system, they can receive items using the following methods:


Purchase Order Number



The system will use the default search method setup in the receiving configuration.  If the user changes the search method during the receive process, OSA will return to the default search for the next search entry.  When the user initiates a search, the system will return results as currently implemented with only one modification; the line items will not automatically be checked.


The column headings for the information retrieved are: List ID, Order No. ISBN, Title, Author, QTY. Ordered, MSRP Price, Recvd. Prev. Shipment, Recvd, This Shipment, QTY Being Added, and Cost Per Item.


The user can sort by List ID, Order No., ISBN, Title, Author, Rec in Prev Shipment, and Rec in This Shipment.  The system automatically defaulst the expected Quantity received in the Qty. Received Column.  The system displays a pop-up window with the functionality to claim, cancel or return.  The same processing for Cancel, Claim and Return occurs.



Exception Processing

Exceptions occur when the user is receiving materials.  The following are the most common exceptions that occur with the receipt of materials:

  1. Damaged Item Arrives

  2. Quantity Received is less than Quantity Ordered

  3. Wrong title, edition or copy of book ordered.



Completing a Receiving Page


Once a user has completed processing items on a page, there are three options:


  1. Add Items to Packing Slip: When the user selects this option, the items checked are added to the packing slip and the list of titles page forward for the user to continue their process.

  2. Add Items to Packing Slip & Return to Packing Slip Summary: When the user selects the Add Items to Packing Slip and Go the Packing Slip Summary option the system returns to the Summary Page.

  3. Completing a Receipt: After receiving all items on the packing slip, the user will Complete the Packing Slip which will send the Packing Slip to the Complete Shipment Queue.  A new status is created called Received (but not Invoiced).