About Combined or Separate Invoicing and Receiving

By default, a user with the Invoice permission will have Receiving permissions.  Libraries that have not set-up a separate receiving permission will be able to continue to receive and invoice in one step and the user will be able to edit the Cost Per Item column.  For libraries that have the Combined Receiving and Invoicing option selected, the quantity received and invoiced will default to the quantity ordered minus the quantity received on previous invoices.  The user will have the same functionality as in the separate invoice work flow.


When a library has elected to keep the receiving function separate from invoicing, the invoicing options will include a Completed Shipment Queue.  The Completed Shipments Queue will enable libraries to view shipments that have been received but not invoiced.  By selecting this option, the user with invoice permissions will be able to select a packing slip to begin the invoice approval process.  This is very valuable to a library in which there is a one to one relationship between a shipment and an invoice.


For users that only have receiving permissions, they will be able to display the contents of the shipment.  When a user with invoice permission selects a packing slip, the details will be displayed and an option on the bottom of the page will enable to user to create an invoice:


Completing an Invoice Page


Once you complete processing items on the page you have 3 options:


In Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA), the Completed Shipments option, on the Admin menu, provides system administrators or users with the appropriate Administrative permissions the ability to view the Packing Slip Receipts screen listing those invoices which have completed shipment.  For more information see the Completed Shipments Help topic.



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