View or Edit a List

In Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA), once Selection List items are added to a list, the list may need to be edited to indicate Unit Price, Vendor, Quantity and other variables.  If you are not the owner of the list, you must be assigned the appropriate permissions to edit lists.  See Item Status Codes for more information.  To make changes to multiple items you should see the instructions in the Options for Checked Items topics.


Note: Distribution Profiles can be used to pre-configure Fund, Library, Collection, and Quantity selections.  See My Distribution Profiles to learn about using Distribution Profiles.



View or Edit a List

  1. Click the My Lists link and locate the desired list from the displayed list of lists.

  2. To display the List Details for the list you want to view or edit, select View from the drop-down list to the right, and click the rotating red arrow button, as shown in the example below.



  1. List Details: The list will display in the OSA List Detail screen as shown in the example below.

Note: Any underlined column heading can be clicked to sort the display by the contents of that column.  Clicking the column heading a second time reverses the sort to Ascending or Descending depending on the current display.




  1. Item Details: The item details edit page will display, as shown in the example below.   Make selections or changes as needed for each editable field as described below.  See the Fields section after the example below for information about each field.






Note: For electronic purchase orders only, if you have Library Services Centre (LSC) configured as a vendor, and select their entry from the Vendor drop-down list on the item details screen, a LSC Process As Indicator field displays below the Vendor field.  

For Details See: Add a Note to an Item

  1. If you want to order additional copies using different funds, or locations, click the Add button and repeat Step 5 for each additional item.

  2. When done editing, click the Save button.


Repeat these steps as necessary to edit each desired item.


Return to: List Management Overview