Options for Checked Items Overview

For your convenience when using Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA), options are available that allow you to quickly take action on one, several, or all items on a list.  If you only want to work with one item on a list, you may prefer to use the instructions in View or Edit a List.  Depending on the status of the list, the level of the logged on user, the permissions assigned to the user, and the function being performed, the available options on the Options for Checked Items drop-down list will vary.  


For example, lists in Released Status will only have the Copy and Download options available.  When you are working with Invoicing and/or Receiving, the list will only display options regarding adding items to the Invoice or Packing Slip.  The Distribution settings will only display for lists in a status of Constructing.  See My Distribution Profiles for more information.


Depending on the status of the list, the level of the logged on user, the permissions assigned to the user, and the function being performed, the available options on the Options for Checked Items drop-down list will vary.  See the Options for Checked Items Help topic for details about each function.





Options on the drop-down list for List Actions


Copy the selected items to another list


Move the selected List items to another list


Delete the selected List items

Set Vendor

Set the Vendor for the selected items

Set Priority

Set the Priority for the selected items

Apply Distribution Profiles

Apply the selected Distribution Profile to the selected items


Download the selected MARC records, from a previously configured MARC record source.


Only available on a list in a Status of Released with "Item Status" of On Order or Canceled

Note: The two options below are only available for libraries where OSA is integrated with Library•Solution

Display In PAC

Display the selected Items in the PAC

Place Hold

Place a hold on the selected items.

  • TLC Support must enable the ability to place holds.

  • Users with the Place Borrower Holds permission selected on the Selection List permission list see the Place Hold option on their Options for Checked Items drop-down list.  

  • If the borrower is Blocked in Circulation, the hold is denied.

  • Successful Holds display in the Circulation Holds Queue.


Options on the drop-down list for Invoicing / Receiving

Add Items to Packing Slip / Complete Packing Slip  

Apply the displayed choice against the selected items (Only available to libraries with separate Invoicing/Receiving)

Add Items to Invoice /

Complete Invoice

Apply the displayed choice against the selected items (Released)

Options below the drop-down list

Distribution Information

Apply the displayed choices against the selected items




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