Acquisitions Setup Overview

The Acquisitions Setup section of the Administration menu provides access to the options listed below, where you can set up Users, Funds, and Vendors.  You can also set up the columns to display on the List Details screen, and configure the MARC Upload settings.  


Users - Add, Update, Copy, and Delete Users, Search for Users, Block / Unblock Users.


Funds - Add, Update, Copy, and Delete Funds, Enable/Disable Fund Warnings, Change Fund Allocations, and perform Fiscal Year Maintenance.


Vendors - Configure, Add, Update, Copy, and Delete Vendors.


Configure MARC Upload - Configure MARC Upload, and add MARC Upload settings for a vendor.


View Automatic Upload Log - Enable and configure the Automatic List Retrieval process, and view or delete Automatic Upload Log entries.


Page Configuration - Customize the category column display on the Selection List Summary (List Titles) screen