Administration Menu Functions

The Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) Admin (Administration) option on the Navigation Toolbar is available to users assigned the appropriate permissions.  To work with the OSA Administration functions, click the Admin link located at the top-center of the browser window, shown circled in the example below.



This topic provides links to the related Help topic and a brief description of each function listed on the Administration (Admin) menu.


Important: The Admin menu displays different options depending upon the permissions granted the user and whether your library has chosen to perform combined or separate Invoicing and Receiving, and/or integrated OSA with LibrarySolution.


Within the Administrative (Admin) feature, the following functions are available.  Click a topic link to open the related Help topic.  




  Library Information

Library System

Modify library headquarters office and purchase order email information.

Library System Security

Revise certain access settings to improve system security.

Library Resources

   Library Management:

  • Integrated users: In addition to the options available to non-integrated institutions detailed below, libraries who have integrated OSA and LibrarySolution see options to perform an on-demand synchronization of their libraries and collections with LibrarySolution, or set up an automatic synchronization schedule.

    • PAC Synchronization Defaults - Manage the PAC Synchronization settings for Timing, Match/Merge, Authority Control, Retaining Order Information (945 fields), and Allow Holds.

    • View PAC Synchronization Log - View the PAC Synchronization log displaying details about errors that occur during this process.

  • Non-integrated users: Users without integration will see options to add a new library and to update existing branch library information.  This includes options to edit their collection information.

Acquisitions Setup



Add or delete users, or customize user permissions, to allow the user to work within the selection and ordering process established by the local institution.

When configuring user permissions, the OSA Administrator is charged with establishing a hierarchical structure for review and approval of items under consideration.  Depending upon your institutions needs, this can be a multi-level, or a single-level structure.  These levels are assigned when establishing the user configurations.


Add, update, or clone fund information, which include contact details, and Electronic Data Interface (EDI) options for electronic ordering.


Add, update, or clone vendor configurations, which include contact information, and Electronic Data Interface (EDI) options for electronic ordering.

Configure MARC Upload

This option provides system administrators, or users with the appropriate Administrative permissions, the ability to Configure field mapping, and repeatability options in uploaded MARC Record 945 tag settings.

View Automatic Upload Log

View the Automatic Upload log displaying Automatic List Retrieval activity for a specific vendor and delete entries from the log.  The Automatic List Retrieval feature allows Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA) to automatically retrieve lists or "carts" that are available from the FTP site of vendors that the user has configured for automatic uploading.

Page Configuration

Customize the category column display on the Selection List Summary (List Titles) screen.

Reassign Lists to Different Users

Reassign selections lists from one user to another, with the ability to delete the old user upon completion of the transfers.

Fiscal Year Maintenance

Fiscal Year Rollover Wizard

An end-of-fiscal-year operation that provides users with a way to migrate from old year to New Year funds.

Clone Funds to New Fiscal Year

To clone funds to the new fiscal year.  This feature is best suited to libraries that run concurrent fiscal years.  Libraries that DO NOT run concurrent fiscal years can use the Fiscal Year Rollover Wizard instead.

Edit or Finalize Initial Allocations

Once finalized, the initial allocation is set for the year and may not be changed by users.  You can also finalize initial allocations during the clone funds process.

Close Funds

Closing a fund sets a flag that will prevent users from encumbering from that fund.



For institutions with separate Invoice and Receiving, manage Receiving with the same suite of collection management web site and software tools that you used to create your selection lists.

Search Receipts

For institutions with separate Invoice and Receiving, Search for Receipts (Packing Slips).



Manage invoicing with the same suite of collection management web site and software tools that you used to create your selection lists.  Using the Invoice Management tool, and working with the original Invoice from the vendors shipment, you can create an invoice record, edit that record as necessary, manage fund encumbrances for each charge on the order, and view line item details.

Invoice Search

Users with the appropriate Administrative permissions can initiate an Invoice search.

Completed Shipments

For institutions with separate Invoice and Receiving, view a report of all Completed Shipments (Packing Slips).

Electronic Invoices Awaiting Review

View Electronic Invoices that have now been reviewed.

Special Charges and Credits

Add and update Special Charges and Credits to be used in conjunction with Invoicing and Receiving.

Search Preferences

Z39.50 Attribute Sets Management

Configure Z39.50 Attribute Sets, to be used in conjunction with searches of Z39.50 Databases.

Z39.50 Database Management

Configure Z39.50 Databases that will be Searched.

Released Orders

Pending Orders

Create a report of all Pending Orders.  This would consist of orders that have been partially Completed (Released and the funds have been encumbered, but not printed and transmitted).  From this report, these orders can be printed and transmitted.

Completed Orders

Create a report of all Completed Orders.  Archived Orders will not be viewed.  From this report the Purchase Order can be re-printed, or re-transmitted.

Orders to Cancel / Orders to Claim

Items that have been ordered (On Order) but have not arrived, and have exceeded the Days to Cancel or Days to Claim settings in the Vendor Configuration will be displayed on the Cancels Search and Claims Search results.  These searches generate a list of notices that are due to be Claimed or Canceled.

Returned Items

This function allows a user to search for returned items and to mark a title as Returned.  The Item status must be On Order.  The system will generate a Return Slip to be included with the item. Returned items can later be received, cancelled, or claimed depending on the circumstances.

Electronic Ordering

PO Acknowledgements

Search for PO Acknowledgements in Online Selection & Acquisitions (OSA).

Order Redirect

Order Redirect will automatically flag titles that are on back order, canceled, or out of print.  An Oracle job will run every night to create and process the items that were flagged during the previous day.

Electronic Ordering Error Log

View FTP log errors and transfer activity for electronic ordering transactions.

MARC Download Preferences or Integration / MARC Preferences

PAC Synchronization Defaults (Integrated)

Select the Timing setting for when to display items in the PAC, select the Match / Merge settings for questionable record matches in the database, chose whether to perform Authority Control, or create Authority Records for invalid headings, whether to retain order information (945 fields) in MARC records, and allow Holds (if applicable). There are three categorized settings available on the PAC Synchronization dialog and two general settings.  Under Timing Options, select when to display selections items in the PAC.

View PAC Synchronization Log (Integrated)

Electronic Ordering transactions may generate errors during the file transfer process (FTP).  This topic will help you to view the log entries that are recorded in the Electronic Ordering Error Log

View Queued Holds (Integrated)

View the list of holds for items queued to display in PAC.

View Holds Log (Integrated)

View the log record of items placed on hold.  The log information includes whether the item was successfully added and displays the reason if it was not added.

MARC Field Configuration

Configure field mapping, and repeatability options for the 945 Tag.

Preferred MARC Record Sources

Add, Update, and Delete MARC Source Profile(s) configurations (the lists of databases you want to search), and the MARC Source(s) (to configure the database(s).  Also set the default MARC Profile.



Create the following reports: Invoice, Invoice Summary by Fund, Fund Summary, Fund History, Vendor Performance, Distribution, and Order History.


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